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UK Inflation Prediction: April Figures Expected to Hit 2% Target

UK Inflation Prediction April Figures Expected to Hit 2% Target

UK Inflation Prediction: The UK is poised to witness a significant shift in its inflation landscape as experts predict a drop close to the Bank of England’s 2% target for the first time in three years. This anticipated change in the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) could potentially influence future monetary policies, including a possible interest rate cut in June.

UK Inflation Prediction: Forecasted Decline in Inflation

The UK inflation prediction for April 2024 suggests that the CPI may finally descend to the 2% target or even lower, a stark contrast to the consistently high inflation rates seen since July 2021. According to Pantheon Economics, the inflation rate is expected to be exactly 2%, down from 3.2% in March. Other forecasters, including Deutsche Bank and Oxford Economics, anticipate slightly higher readings at 2.2%, while Capital Economics is more optimistic, predicting a figure of 1.9%. The Bank of England itself forecasts an inflation rate of 2.1%.

Factors Contributing to the Decline

Several factors underpin this optimistic UK inflation prediction. Pantheon Economics attributes the expected fall to Ofgem’s 12.3% price-cap reduction in April, which is anticipated to cut 0.4 percentage points off the CPI inflation. Additionally, a decrease in food inflation is expected to shave off another 0.14 percentage points from the overall inflation rate as commodity prices stabilize and the benefits are passed on to consumers.

Core Inflation Concerns

Despite the positive UK inflation prediction, core inflation, which excludes volatile items such as food and energy prices, is expected to remain higher than 2%. Oxford Economics forecasts core inflation at 3.7%, down from 4.2% in March, while Deutsche Bank predicts it will be at 3.6%. This indicates that while headline inflation may drop, underlying price pressures could persist.

Long-Term Inflation Trends

Experts caution that the anticipated drop in April may not signify a sustained period of low inflation. The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has warned that inflation could rebound to around 2.5% in the latter half of 2024. This potential increase is due to the way inflation is measured, comparing current prices to those a year ago. Since energy prices peaked in April 2023 and have since fallen, the comparison base will change, potentially reducing the downward pressure on inflation in the second half of 2024.

Potential Interest Rate Cuts

The UK inflation prediction has significant implications for the Bank of England’s interest rate policies. Currently, interest rates stand at a 16-year high of 5.25%, making borrowing costs substantially higher. A reduction in inflation to the 2% target could prompt the Bank to consider lowering interest rates to stimulate economic growth. Most economists predict a potential rate cut in August, although some suggest that a June cut is not out of the question.


The UK inflation prediction for April 2024 presents a hopeful scenario for consumers and the broader economy, signaling a possible return to the Bank of England’s 2% target for the first time in three years. While this may pave the way for lower interest rates, it is important to note that core inflation remains a concern, and the overall inflation rate could rise again later in the year. As we approach the official release of the inflation figures, all eyes will be on how these predictions play out and their subsequent impact on monetary policy and economic stability.

Read more: April 2024 CPI Report: Inflation Eases to 3.4% with Notable Drops in Food and Used Car Prices


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