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Saudi Arabia’s BRICS Entry: A Challenge to the US Dollar Hegemony

Saudi Arabia's BRICS Entry: A Challenge to the US Dollar Hegemony

In the ever-evolving tapestry of global geopolitics and economic dynamics, a momentous event has captured the world’s attention—the official Saudi Arabia’s BRICS Entry. This strategic move by the Kingdom transcends mere diplomatic engagement; it signifies a profound shift in the international balance of power and has far-reaching implications for the established norms of the global monetary system. As Saudi Arabia formally becomes a member of the BRICS bloc, this article delves into the intricacies surrounding this decision, navigating the historical context, diplomatic considerations, and the broader implications for the ongoing discourse of reducing reliance on the US dollar.


  • Saudi Arabia’s BRICS Entry is a major geopolitical shift that could have a significant impact on the global economy.
  • Saudi Arabia’s membership in BRICS is likely to strengthen the alliance’s commitment to de-dollarizing the global economy.
  • Saudi Arabia’s joining of BRICS could put pressure on the United States to reconsider its foreign policy approach.
  • The future of global relations is likely to be shaped by the evolving narrative of de-dollarization and economic cooperation.

Saudi Arabia’s BRICS Entry: A Calculated Geopolitical Pivot

In the wake of expansion invitations extended during the 2023 BRICS annual summit, Saudi Arabia found itself at a crossroads, presented with a strategic invitation to join the BRICS alliance. The decision-making process leading to Saudi Arabia’s acceptance of this invitation is examined, shedding light on the geopolitical calculations, potential benefits, and challenges associated with this significant pivot. The confirmation of Saudi Arabia’s entry by South Africa’s Foreign Minister, Naledi Pandor, adds a layer of diplomatic importance to this development.

Diplomatic Balancing Act: Saudi Arabia’s Relations with the United States

Early in 2024, the global stage witnessed the emergence of concerns surrounding Saudi Arabia’s position within the BRICS alliance. A nuanced exploration of Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic considerations and the delicate balancing act in managing its historically close ties with the United States is undertaken in this section. Insights into the complexities that influenced Saudi Arabia’s decision and the potential implications on its broader diplomatic relations provide a comprehensive understanding of the Kingdom’s diplomatic landscape.

BRICS Agenda 2024: Saudi Arabia’s Strategic Role in De-Dollarization

As Saudi Arabia formally assumes its place as a BRICS member, the spotlight shifts to the collective agenda of the alliance for 2024. A detailed examination of how Saudi Arabia aligns with the BRICS commitment, particularly the emphasis on de-dollarization, is crucial in understanding the Kingdom’s role in reshaping global economic narratives. The section delves into the specific contributions and initiatives Saudi Arabia brings to the table as part of the collective endeavor to reduce dependence on the US dollar in international trade.

Economic Paradigm Shift: BRICS, Russia’s Chairmanship, and Local Currency Prevalence

With Russia at the helm of the BRICS chairmanship in 2024, the alliance explicitly declares ditching the US dollar as a top priority. This section explores the economic facets discussed during recent BRICS meetings, with a focus on Russia’s commitment to exploring ways of increasing the use of national and local currencies in cross-border transactions. The intersection of Saudi Arabia’s economic interests with the broader BRICS agenda highlights the collective effort to redefine the global economic order and lessen the negative side effects of the prevailing currency system.


The formal inclusion of Saudi Arabia’s BRICS Entry transcends a mere geopolitical realignment; it marks a paradigm shift in economic and diplomatic alliances. As Saudi Arabia navigates its role within this influential bloc, the ramifications on global dynamics, diplomatic relationships, and the ongoing de-dollarization efforts unfold with profound significance. The BRICS agenda for 2024, bolstered by Saudi Arabia’s active participation, emerges as a robust force challenging the established norms of international finance. The evolving narrative promises to shape the future of global relations, setting the stage for collaborative efforts and a recalibration of economic structures on a global scale.

Read more: Government Spending of BRICS Threat US Dollar’ reserve


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