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US GDP Meets Forecast at 3.2%: Fed Policy and Market Reaction in Focus

US GDP Meets Forecast at 3.2%: Fed Policy and Market Reaction in Focus

The final revision of the US GDP (Gross Domestic Product) for the fourth quarter of 2023 came in at a steady 3.2%. This stable growth figure is a key factor influencing market strategies and upcoming decisions by the Federal Reserve.

Market Response to Stable US GDP

The news of a solid 3.2% US GDP growth has instilled confidence in the markets. The S&P 500 is poised for its best first quarter performance in five years, with both the S&P and Dow on track for significant gains. Stock futures remain stable as investors await further economic data releases. However, a risk-on attitude prevails, as evidenced by the surge in RH shares post-market, despite the company’s weak outlook.

Fed Policy Hinges on Broader Economic Data

While the final US GDP figure is crucial, the Federal Reserve will also consider other economic indicators scheduled for release on Thursday:

  • Jobless Claims: An anticipated rise to 212,000 claims could signal potential tightening in the labor market.
  • Pending Home Sales: A predicted rebound to 1.4% from -4.9% suggests a possible resurgence in the housing sector.
  • Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment: Steady sentiment at 76.5 indicates continued consumer confidence, a vital metric for economic stability.

These combined indicators will provide a more comprehensive picture of the US economy, aiding the Fed in determining future monetary policy decisions, including potential adjustments to interest rates.

Beyond US GDP: Other Market Movers

  • Cryptocurrency Options Expiry: A massive $15.2 billion options expiry for Bitcoin and Ether on Deribit has the potential to significantly impact cryptocurrency prices. This event, with Bitcoin contracts representing a large portion (around $9.5 billion), could trigger major price swings, especially if a significant amount of options expire profitably. Traders are closely watching dealer hedging activity near the crucial $70,000 mark for Bitcoin, as it could amplify price movements.
  • Japan Considers Yen Intervention: The weakening yen, reaching a 34-year low against the US dollar at 151.47, has prompted Japan to consider intervening in the currency market. This intervention aims to stabilize the yen and prevent further disorderly fluctuations. The Bank of Japan’s stance on monetary policy will likely play a role in the yen’s future performance.
  • US-China Trade Tensions and Clean Energy Dominance: Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has expressed concerns over China’s dominance in exporting cheap clean energy products, which could hinder American green manufacturing efforts. This highlights potential trade tensions as the US invests heavily in clean energy technologies through the Inflation Reduction Act and CHIPS Act.


The stable US GDP growth of 3.2% provides a foundation for market optimism. However, other economic data releases and global events will significantly influence market movements and Fed policy decisions in the coming days. From potential cryptocurrency market volatility to currency intervention by Japan and brewing trade tensions with China, the economic landscape remains dynamic. As these factors unfold, the US GDP growth figure will serve as a key benchmark for assessing overall economic health and its impact on markets and policy decisions.


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