Contribution program: promotes a variety of content related to forex, stocks, commodities, cryptocurrencies, and AI news. The article could involve technical analysis, fundamental analysis, a summary of market events, a forecast of upcoming market events, an instructional piece for novices, an advanced technical strategy, content related to the industry, or any other topic.

We welcome diverse ideas and perspectives, encouraging contributors to share their insights with different writing styles. 

To submit your article, please ensure the following requirements are met:

1. Field Expertise: A proven track record in financial markets, coupled with relevant written blog references, is essential.
2. Exclusivity: Exclusive content is a prerequisite for submission.

Write, Engage, Earn Program:

Introducing our exclusive :Write, Engage, Earn Program – an opportunity for contributors to not only share their valuable insights but also reap the rewards of their influence. As a contributor, when you participate in this program, not only will your articles be featured on, but you’ll also have the chance to earn rewards based on the engagement your content generates.

How does it work?

  1. Write: Craft compelling articles on topics relevant to financial markets, adhering to our editorial guidelines.

  2. Engage: Share your articles and encourage readership. The more readers you attract, the higher your engagement score.

  3. Earn: Contributors with the most substantial engagement, measured by the number of readers reached, will be eligible for compensation. Our “Write, Engage, Earn Program” rewards you for making a meaningful impact in the financial content space.

To know more about this programm read : Editorial Guidelines:

Language and Originality:

  • English Only: Articles must be written in English .
  • Submissions generated via scripts or translation software with incorrect language usage will be promptly denied.
  • Original Work: While exclusivity is not required, submitted content must be original and owned by the author. Plagiarized material will not be accepted, and authors found to submit plagiarized content may face suspension.

Article Structure and Length:

  • Be Concise: We encourage brevity, but articles must have a minimum of 250 words and should not exceed 500 words.
  • Dig Deep: In-depth and unique analysis is preferred. For technical analysis, consider enhancing your material with informative charts.

Enriching Content:

  • Multimedia: To enhance reader engagement, consider adding audio or visual components (images). You can embed a PDF, upload a video or audio segment, or link to a YouTube video to complement your piece.
  • Include two external links and one internal link in each article.
  • Use an active voice and transition words.


  • Edit Your Work: Ensure your article is free of spelling and grammatical errors. We will not publish articles requiring extensive editing.

Content Restrictions:

  • Avoid Promotional Content: Blatantly promotional content will be deleted. Limit self-referential links to no more than 3 per article.

Relevance to Financial Markets:

Approved Topics: We only approve content relevant to financial markets, including:

  • Local stock markets: Provide localized viewpoints.
  • Global markets: Share global perspectives on indices, stocks, and macro financial observations.
  • Commodities: Articles on gold, silver, copper, oil, natural gas, wheat, cotton, and sugar are welcomed.
  • Bonds: Sovereign or corporate.
  • Interest Rates and Central Banks.
  • Currencies/Forex.
  • Cryptocurrencies.
  • AI.

Quality Over Quantity:

Multiple Submissions: We believe in quality over quantity. We reserve the right not to publish multiple submissions by the same author unless each submission meets our editorial standards

More to know: retains the discretion to decide whether to publish or refrain from publishing an article and may edit the content as deemed necessary. 

  • We reserve the right to reject any content that, in our judgment, does not meet the criteria listed above.
  • The views expressed in the article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect those of 
  • Please note that these guidelines may undergo changes periodically, and such changes may occur without prior notice.
  • By submitting your request, you are considered to have agreed to all the points outlined in the editorial guidelines.