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Global Trade Market Set to Contract by 5% in 2023

Global Trade Set to Contract by 5% in 2023

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) delivered a sobering forecast on Monday, indicating a projected 5% contraction in global trade market for 2023 compared to the preceding year. The anticipated downturn marks a significant decline, with UNCTAD’s Global Trade Update estimating this year’s commerce to amount to approximately $30.7 trillion.

The global trade landscape is facing significant challenges, as forecasted by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Projections for 2023 reveal a looming 5% contraction compared to the previous year, marking a concerning downturn in worldwide commerce.

Key Highlights:

  • Global trade to contract by 5% in 2023
  • Goods trade expected to decline by 8%, services trade to increase by 7%
  • Factors contributing to contraction: diminished demand in developed nations, underperformance in East Asia, decrease in commodity prices
  • Developing countries face challenges with underperforming exports
  • UNCTAD projects a highly uncertain and pessimistic outlook for global trade market in 2024

Shifts in Goods Trade Market

UNCTAD’s analysis highlights a contrasting trend between goods and services trade. The report indicates an expected contraction of nearly $2 trillion, representing an 8% decline in goods trade for 2023. However, a silver lining emerges in services trade, which is projected to increase by about $500 billion, marking a 7% rise.

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Factors Driving Contraction in Global Trade Market

Attributing this global trade downturn to multiple factors, UNCTAD points to various key contributors. Diminished demand in developed nations, lackluster performance in East Asian economies, and a notable decrease in commodity prices all played pivotal roles in this downward trajectory.

Impact Of Global Trade Market on Developing Countries

Developing nations, in particular, faced challenges with underperforming exports, significantly contributing to the overall contraction in global trade market.


Despite potential indicators hinting at economic improvements, UNCTAD remains pessimistic about the outlook for global trade in 2024. Ongoing geopolitical tensions, soaring levels of debt, and widespread economic fragility are anticipated to continue exerting negative influences on global trade patterns.

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With uncertainties looming large and various economic pressures at play, UNCTAD’s projections paint a cautious and somber picture for the global trade landscape, urging stakeholders to brace for a challenging period ahead.


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