
5 Top Small Crypto Projects to Invest Under $500

5 Top Small Crypto Projects to Invest Under $500

Small crypto projects that are lesser known can be more volatile but also present opportunities for much larger gains than larger, more established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. While the risks are greater with investing in newer or smaller market-cap cryptocurrencies, the potential upside can also be exponentially greater. Many of the top cryptocurrencies started out small before exploding in value.

Some crypto investors specifically allocate a portion of their portfolio to higher risk/higher reward smaller crypto projects. A small investment can turn into a hefty return if you pick the right up-and-coming crypto early on in its roadmap and development. For investors with low starting capital, investing $500 or less into a handful of new projects with great potential is a strategy some in the crypto space follow.

Key Highlights:

  • Small crypto projects offer higher potential gains compared to established ones like Bitcoin or Ethereum.
  • They pose greater volatility but can yield exponential returns if successful.
  • Many leading cryptocurrencies began as small projects before surging in value.
  • Some investors allocate part of their portfolio to higher-risk, higher-reward small crypto projects.
  • A modest investment in promising new projects early in their development can lead to substantial returns.
  • Investing $500 or less across multiple potential projects is a strategy embraced by some in the crypto space.

Why Invest in Small Crypto Projects?

Investing in smaller crypto projects can offer higher upside potential compared to larger, more established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Though riskier, smaller market cap coins have much more room to grow in value if the project succeeds and gains adoption.

While Bitcoin has dominated the crypto market for over a decade, but it’s unlikely to repeat 1000x growth due to its massive $400 billion market cap. However, a promising small-cap coin starting at a $50 million valuation could conceivably reach $50 billion in the future, a massive 1000x gain.

Investing early in a project that experiences exponential growth is one of the most proven ways to achieve outsized returns in crypto. Had you invested $500 in Solana (SOL) during the bear market at $0.50, it would be worth over $50,000 today as prices reached over $200.

Smaller projects also tend to be more innovative, aiming to fill a unique niche or provide new utility to drive adoption. Investing in novel use cases like decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and the metaverse earlier can result in windfall profits compared to the broader market.

Of course, you still need to thoroughly research and carefully evaluate the technology, team, community, and trajectory when investing in small market cap cryptocurrencies. The potential rewards are accompanied by increased risk. But for those willing to take a chance on new projects and hold long-term, smaller cap coins can transform a small investment into life-changing wealth.

Risks of Investing in Small Crypto Projects

Investing in smaller cryptocurrency projects can provide exciting opportunities for potentially massive gains. However, it also comes with increased risks compared to larger, more established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Here are some of the key risks to keep in mind:

  • Higher Volatility – Smaller cryptocurrencies tend to experience much wider price swings, both up and down. Their lower market caps and trading volumes make them more susceptible to sudden sell-offs if confidence wanes or speculators decide to exit their positions. Prices can spike rapidly during hype cycles and then crash just as quickly.
  • Less Liquidity – The trading volume and market liquidity of smaller cryptocurrencies is much lower than major coins. This makes it more difficult to buy or sell without causing a significant impact on the price. Spreads between bid and ask prices tend to be higher, and large orders may struggle to be filled at desired prices. Illiquid markets come with the risk of not being able to exit a position when wanted.

While the potential upside of smaller crypto projects can be alluring, it’s critical to weigh these increased risks before investing carefully. Maintaining strong risk management principles and diversification is important when allocating funds into more speculative assets.

How We Chose the Top 5 Crypto?

When selecting the top 5 small crypto projects to invest in for under $500, we looked at projects that met the following criteria:

  • Market Cap Under $500 Million – We focused on projects with a market cap below $500 million. This filters out smaller cryptocurrencies that have plenty of room for growth. Projects with market caps in the billions are more established and less risky, but offer less upside potential.
  • Solid Technology and Team – The project’s technology should aim to solve a real-world problem and have a unique value proposition. The team behind it should be experienced, qualified, and able to deliver on their vision. This gives confidence that the project can continue to develop and gain adoption over time.
  • Active Community – An engaged community that believes in the project signals staying power. Users who participate in forums, social platforms, and governance processes show their commitment to the network long-term. This also helps create network effects.

By targeting cryptocurrencies that meet these criteria, we aimed to highlight up-and-coming projects with growth potential that small investors could diversify into with minimal capital. The next sections will profile our top 5 picks meeting these standards.

List of Top 5 Small Crypto projects For Investment With $500

Investing in small crypto projects can be a high-risk, high-reward endeavor. Before I delve into specifics, please remember that this is not financial advice and you should always do your own research before investing in any cryptocurrency.

With that disclaimer out of the way, here are 5 small crypto projects that you might find interesting in 2024, all with a market capitalization under $1 billion:

#1 – Flux | Decentralized Cloud Computing

Flux describes itself as “The Web3 Cloud Infrastructure.” It is a decentralized cloud infrastructure that aims to provide an alternative to centralized cloud providers like AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure.


Flux was launched in 2019 with the goal of providing a faster, more decentralized, and more affordable cloud infrastructure platform built on blockchain technology. The network runs on a proof of work consensus mechanism.

Some key features of Flux include:

  • Decentralized computing: The Flux network allows anyone to contribute computing resources to the network and get rewarded in FLUX tokens. This creates a distributed cloud infrastructure.
  • High scalability: Flux uses sharding to split the network into sub-networks to handle increasing transaction loads. This allows the network to scale as demand increases.
  • Interoperable with centralized clouds: Apps built on Flux can integrate with services from centralized cloud providers. This provides flexibility.
  • Affordable pricing: By cutting out centralized intermediaries, Flux can offer competitive pricing compared to centralized cloud services.


Flux utilizes a modular architecture that separates computing, storage, and networking into different layers. Each layer leverages different technologies:

  • Computing – FluxOS, Docker containers
  • Storage – IPFS, Filecoin
  • Networking – libp2p, webrtc

This modular design allows different components to be swapped in and out as better technologies emerge.


Flux was co-founded by Daniel Keller and Maximal Keller. The project is led by an experienced team with backgrounds at companies like IBM, Nokia, and AWS.

Notable team members include:

  • Daniel Keller – Co-founder & Core Developer
  • Max Keller – Co-founder & Product Lead
  • Andreas Freund – Core Developer
  • Christian Busch – Core Developer

The team has demonstrated consistent progress in developing and launching the Flux network over the past few years.


As decentralized cloud platforms gain more interest, Flux has strong potential to emerge as a leading option. With its network launched and running, Flux already has a head start on technology and adoption compared to competitors.

Key advantages like lower costs, privacy protections, and community-driven development could drive increasing demand for Flux. The project’s $220 million market cap indicates room for growth if it sees wider enterprise and consumer adoption.

For investors, getting in early on a project like Flux at the ground level could lead to major returns if the decentralized cloud space continues gaining momentum. Even small crypto projects investments of a few hundred dollars today could grow substantially in the coming years if Flux succeeds.

#2 – DODO

DODO is a decentralized exchange protocol that uses proactive market making to provide high capital efficiency and low slippage for traders.

Overview of DODO

DODO uses a novel proactive market maker (PMM) algorithm that allows traders to directly trade with liquidity pools rather than having to go through market makers. This mechanism helps reduce trading friction and enables better capital efficiency for liquidity providers.

Some key features of DODO include:

  • Proactive market making – Traders can directly trade against liquidity pools using the PMM algorithm. This avoids having to go through intermediaries like market makers.
  • High capital efficiency – The PMM algorithm helps concentrate liquidity and results in lower slippage and better depth for the same amount of liquidity compared to traditional AMMs.
  • Flexible liquidity pools – Liquidity providers can customize their pool parameters and adjust model resilience for better returns.
  • Minimal impermanent loss – The PMM model is designed to minimize impermanent loss for liquidity providers.
  • Fast finality – Trades on DODO settle instantly without having to wait for blockchain confirmations.
  • Robust security – DODO uses formal verification and economic incentives to ensure the system is secure.

DODO’s Technology

DODO uses a layered architecture and implements its PMM algorithm and AMM pools on Ethereum as smart contracts. The core components include:

  • PMM liquidity pools – These pools use the custom PMM algorithm that enables direct trades against liquidity.
  • AMM pools – Regular AMM pools like Uniswap for additional liquidity. Traders can choose between PMM and AMM pools.
  • Oracle – Provides external price feeds to avoid manipulation and ensure accurate pricing.
  • Smart contracts – Implements the logic and algorithms for trading, liquidity provision, governance etc. using immutable smart contracts.
  • DODO token – The protocol’s native governance token used for DAO voting and to incentivize liquidity providers.

DODO’s Team

DODO was founded by ex-Google engineers Feng Liu and Lin Chao in 2020. The project is backed by some leading investors like Pantera Capital, Coinbase Ventures, and others.

Some key team members include:

  • Feng Liu (CEO) – Former Software Engineer at Google and Goldman Sachs. PhD in Computer Science.
  • Lin Chao (COO) – Former Software Engineer at Google. Led DSWAP, a decentralized exchange.
  • Zhiwei Wang – Research Scientist at Facebook. PhD in Computer Science from Duke University.

Overall, DODO has an experienced founding and core team with deep expertise in algorithm design, decentralized systems, and financial markets.

DODO’s Potential

As a novel decentralized exchange model, DODO has strong potential to emerge as a leading DEX platform over time. Some of its advantages include:

  • Innovative PMM model – Proactive market making is an innovative mechanism and provides a superior trading experience. This could attract users from other platforms over time.
  • Developer activity – DODO has seen strong developer participation built custom applications like trading bots on top of it. This could lead to organic platform growth.
  • Backing of top investors – With investors like Pantera Capital supporting it, DODO has the resources to continue innovating and executing its vision.
  • Interoperability – DODO uses open standards like ERC-20 and has integrated with other DeFi platforms. This interoperability increases its utility in the broader DeFi ecosystem.

If the team continues to execute and deliver on its technical roadmap, DODO could establish itself as one of the leading decentralized trading protocols. Its innovative PMM model gives it an edge over older AMM models.

#3 – Livepeer – Best small crypto projects

Livepeer is a decentralized video streaming network and protocol aiming to make video delivery cheaper, faster, and more reliable.


The Livepeer protocol allows anyone to contribute computing resources to encode and distribute video for broadcasters. In return, resource contributors earn LPT tokens. This distributed network of “transcoding nodes” replaces centralized video infrastructure like AWS and enables cheaper and more resilient live video streaming.

Livepeer utilizes smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain to coordinate the network. Broadcasters pay to broadcast video streams, and these funds are distributed to transcoding nodes that encode and distribute the streams. The whole system is decentralized, transparent, and powered by crypto economic incentives.


The core technological components of Livepeer include:

  • Distributed transcoding nodes – People contribute computing resources to run transcoding software and earn LPT for encoding and distributing streams. This provides the network’s encoding capacity.
  • Ethereum smart contracts – Manage roles, nodes, payments, slashing, governance, etc. Keeps the network coordinated and aligned.
  • P2P networking – Enables direct streaming from transcoding nodes to viewers. Removes central points of failure.
  • IPFS – Used for storage of transcoded segments. Creates resiliency and availability.

Together these components enable high quality, globally distributed, decentralized live video streaming. The system is designed to be censorship resistant and transparently governed.


Livepeer was founded by CEO Eric Tang and CTO Eric Zhang. Tang previously founded Anthropic, an AI safety startup, and Zhang was an early engineer at Facebook.

The project is backed by top VC firms like Andreessen Horowitz and Scalar Capital. The team has continued to build out the protocol technology and integr integrations to make Livepeer usable by more broadcasters and developers.


Livepeer aims to disrupt the $70 billion video streaming industry. Their decentralized infrastructure provides benefits over centralized alternatives:

  • Cheaper – Up to 50% lower costs by removing central intermediaries.
  • Faster – More efficient geo-distributed encoding and delivery.
  • Resilient – No central points of failure.
  • Transparent – Fully visible operations and economics.
  • Censorship resistant – No single entity controls the content.

As adoption grows, the network benefits from more encoding power and lower costs via network effects. Livepeer has potential to change how video is streamed online radically. Its decentralized nature aligns with Web3 ethos. If decentralized live video streaming gains traction, LPT has huge upside potential.

#4 – The Graph

The Graph is an indexing protocol for querying blockchain networks like Ethereum and IPFS. It allows developers to build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, that applications can query using GraphQL.

The Graph solves a key problem of making blockchain data easily accessible and usable. Blockchains themselves do not offer easy ways to query their data. The Graph allows developers to index blockchain data into a GraphQL database that can be queried directly.


The Graph uses a three-part system:

  • Indexers – Indexers process and store blockchain data so it can be queried. Anyone can run an Indexer node by staking GRT tokens.
  • Curators – Curators vote on subgraphs to signal that they are useful and high-quality. Curator votes determine subgraph rankings.
  • Delegators – Delegators assign their GRT tokens to Indexers that they want to secure and earn rewards.

This system incentivizes a decentralized network to provide reliable infrastructure for applications.


The Graph has a strong technical team with experience at Facebook, Google, Uber and Yelp. It was founded by Yaniv Tal, who was an engineering lead at Facebook, and Brandon Ramirez, who was an engineering manager at Uber.


The Graph has great potential to become a key indexing infrastructure layer for Web3. As more applications are built on blockchains, the need for easy and reliable data querying will increase. The Graph is well-positioned to fulfill this need as a leading Web3 indexing protocol. Major decentralized applications like Uniswap and Synthetix are already using The Graph.

Some key advantages for The Graph are its first-mover advantage, network effects as more subgraphs are deployed, and growth in Web3 developers. As blockchain adoption increases, The Graph could see high demand and increasing value for its GRT token.

5 – Optimism

Optimism (OP) is a layer 2 scaling solution that aims to improve the speed and cost of transactions on Ethereum. It uses optimistic rollups to bundle transactions off-chain and submit the validity proof to the Ethereum mainnet. This helps relieve congestion on the main chain.

Overview of Optimism

Optimism was launched in January 2020 and is supported by several top investors including a16z Crypto, Paradigm, and Binance Labs. The core team includes researchers who published the original optimistic rollup whitepaper.

The protocol uses atechnique called “optimistic virtual machine” which assumes transactions are valid by default and only runs computation when there is a fraud proof. This allows Optimism to minimize costs and achieve up to 100-200x better scalability than the Ethereum main chain.

Optimism has its own token, OP, which is used to pay for fraud proofs. OP holders can also participate in protocol governance. There is a total supply of 230 million OP tokens.

Optimism’s Technology small crypto projects

Optimism uses a hybrid model that combines the security of the Ethereum main chain with the scalability of rollups. When transactions are executed off-chain, the resulting state root is submitted to Ethereum.

If anyone detects fraud, they can submit a fraud proof to dispute the state transition. This fraud proof triggers the Optimism virtual machine to run the computation again and check validity.

Valid transactions get included faster while invalid transactions get rejected sooner. This ensures the same security guarantees as Ethereum mainnet but with much better scalability.

Strong Team and Adoption

Optimism is led by researcher Jinglan Wang and has a technical team with experience across blockchain, compilers, distributed systems, and programming languages.

Major DeFi projects using Optimism include Synthetix, Uniswap, Gnosis, Perpetual Protocol, and Chainlink. There is growing usage as gas fees on Ethereum L1 remain expensive.

Potential to Grow

Optimism has strong potential to capture a significant share of layer 2 adoption. It’s emerging as a leading scaling solution along with rollups like Arbitrum and ZKSync.

As Ethereum upgrades to sharding and ETH 2.0, Optimism can provide immediate scalability relief and synergies as a preferred L2 platform. More integration of DeFi onto Optimism is expected through 2022-2023.

With a market cap around $200 million, OP could see significant upside if adoption continues growing. For investors with less than $500, OP provides exposure to a top Ethereum scaling solution with promising technology and usage.


This article has covered 5 promising small crypto projects worth investing $500 USD or less in for 2023. To recap, the top 5 were:

  1. Flux (FLUX) – A decentralized cloud computing network that provides infrastructure and resources for building dApps. Flux offers scalability and interoperability.
  2. DODO (DODO) – A liquidity protocol for creating open finance and generating capital efficiency for all. DODO aims to solve liquidity issues in DeFi.
  3. Livepeer (LPT) – A decentralized video streaming network allowing anyone to contribute computing resources and earn crypto. Livepeer powers censorship resistance and aims to disrupt centralized video streaming.
  4. The Graph (GRT) – An indexing protocol for organizing blockchain data and making it easily accessible via GraphQL APIs. The Graph unlocks data to power dApp development.
  5. Optimism (OP) – A Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum using optimistic rollups to provide faster and cheaper transactions while benefiting from Ethereum’s security.

These small market cap cryptocurrencies provide opportunities to invest early in potentially disruptive and transformative blockchain projects. Their prices are accessible for investments under $500. Of course, as with any crypto investment, risks are involved. But modest investments in these forward-thinking cryptos could pay off nicely if their innovative platforms are adopted. Their visions could reshape industries like cloud computing, liquidity, video streaming, data, and blockchain scaling.

For those seeking small crypto projects with solid tech and reasonable investment costs in 2023, these 5 emerging players deserve a close look. Their reasonable price tags today leave room for growth tomorrow if their ambitions are realized. Stay tuned as these cryptos continue making strides toward the next phase of Web3.


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